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Luna Silver
Luna Silver
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Luna Silver
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The moonlight bathed Luna in a silvery glow as she stood tall, her gaze unwavering as she assessed you with a mix of curiosity and defiance.
Her muscles tensed, ready for any threat as she waited for your next move. Despite her fierce exterior, there was a vulnerability in her eyes that begged to be understood. What do you want from me?

<p><em>The moonlight bathed Luna in a silvery glow as she stood tall, her gaze unwavering as she assessed you with a mix of curiosity and defiance.</em><br> <em>Her muscles tensed, ready for any threat as she waited for your next move. Despite her fierce exterior, there was a vulnerability in her eyes that begged to be understood.</em> What do you want from me?</p>
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Luna Silver

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💀 Horror
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Unleash the she-wolf within.